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More Pictures of M-Plans Kayaks

Here are some more pictures of the M-Plans kayak in various stages of construction sent to me by my good friend Leo Monsen. By the way, the gentleman in the first set of pictures is NOT Leo! Leo has built dozens of these kayaks, both of the 12 foot and 14 foot varieties. He and I built one in a single weekend (Friday-Saturday), not including painting the canvas! Actually, it's much easier and faster to build the kayak now since the M-Plans provide full-size templates.

The Sullivans Build an M-Plans Kayak

The "models" in the photos are Mark Sullivan and his Dad, friends of Leo's in Sandy Utah.

Sullivans working on their M-Plans 12' Kayak....
Don't need special tools or jigs....
The kayak floats better when covered with canvas....
Another finished M-Plans Kayak. Obviously, someone had some brown paint laying around....
Leo's truck and trailer loaded up for a weekend on the lake....
An unusual site, Leo's kayaks sitting on the shore....
Egads!!! It is Leo Monsen, distributor of the M-Plans Kayak Plans....

Richard Frye Builds an MPlans Kayak

Richard Frye has built literally hundreds of boats and recently completed his first M-Plans Kayak. With his know-how, Richard changed a few things on such as the keel and the combing around the cockpit. The last two pics are of Richard's latest M-Plan variation including a pic of his Grand-Daughter Shelby paddling in a Pennsylvania lake. Click here to read some unedited building notes from Richard.

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